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This neighborhood smells like New Jersey since Yaniv got here!

Disgusted protesters want Yaniv Blumenfeld and skanky Five Franklin Place condo out of TriBeCa.

WHITE PLAINS, NY — A suspicious device attached to the neck of disgraced real estate investor and professional idiot Yaniv Blumenfeld for the past fifteen years was found to contain a non-explosive mixture of five sulfur-containing chemicals that smell like rotting food and carcasses, police said Thursday.

Blumenfeld said he was told to wear the device when he was full cavity-searched at an airport security checkpoint in Tel Aviv during an overseas trip fifteen years ago.

After reading how a ski-mask-clad man entered the suburban Sydney home of Madeleine Pulver on August 3rd and chained a bomb-like device to her neck, Blumenfeld asked police to examine his neck attachment. Officials managed to free Pulver unhurt after 10 hours. Local police referred Blumenfeld to the Bronx Zoo, who referred him to the Sanitation Department where Blumenfeld was able to get an appointment for the following week. Sewer workers removed the stencher with specialized tools normally reserved for Staten Island.

“With the benefit of hindsight, I now see that the whole thing might have been a practical joke,” Blumenfeld said after the device was finally removed.

Foul smelling chemicals spewed steadily from the device during the fifteen-year period Blumenfeld wore it around his neck, sewer investigators said. The noxious substances have been identified and are known to be used by the governments of Israel and the United States in law enforcement and the military as riot control and area denial weapons. Stink bomb weaponry has advantages over traditional riot control agents: unlike pepper spray and tear gas, stink bombs are believed not to be dangerous and are effective at low concentrations.

Blumenfeld’s ordeal isn’t over, however. Long-term exposure to the malodorous compounds mean it could be years before the active ingredients are flushed out of Blumenfeld’s system. In the meantime, Blumenfeld will continue to stink to high heaven.

Opponents of the Five Franklin Place condo project in TriBeCa say they want the foul-smelling Blumenfeld and his chicken-shit development project out of their neighborhood. “If we wanted to live in New Jersey, we’d move there,” one neighbor said, holding his nose.

On the bright side, the Yaniv Blumenfeld stench had the unanticipated effect of bringing hundreds of jobs to White Plains as tanneries and glue factories relocated to the neighborhood around Blumenfeld’s personal residence.

Thomas P. Zugibe, Rockland County DA, apparently does not have enough serious crime to keep him busy.

Thomas P. Zugibe, Rockland County DA, apparently does not have enough serious crime to keep him busy.

Apparently there isn’t enough real crime in Rockland County, New York, to keep the District Attorney’s office busy.

So Rockland County DA Robert P. Zugibe has time to do personal favors at taxpayer expense for thin-skinned Wall Street types.

The DA’s office acted at the behest of Wall Street banker Kelly Gaines, who apparently took offense at a sarcastic blog post on the helgabluth web site.

The offending blog post reports on Gaines’ recent change in employment. Gaines’s work history includes making high-risk commercial real estate loans during the financial bubble. Many
of these loans went into default, contributing to the financial meltdown and the nation’s current economic malaise. Like most Wall Street scoundrels, Gaines has not been charged with a crime in connection with any of these transactions as far as we know.

Gaines recruited the Rockland DA to issue a subpoena for Internet data from the blog’s publisher, WordPress, under the guise of a “criminal investigation”. The subpoena neglects to mention what “crime” is involved. (Is sarcasm now a crime in New York State? Or was the hurt to Mr. Gaines’ feelings of criminal proportions? Does making Kelly Gaines pee his pants count as damage to property?)

The scene in the Rockland County District Attorney's office early this week.

Where the law enforcement action is: the Rockland County District Attorney's office earlier this week.

One violent criminal we interviewed expressed relief that the DA’s office resources were being squandered on such silliness. The admitted repeat offender, who asked not to be identified, said, “Government misappropriation and abuse of public office by law enforcement only makes it less likely that they’ll ever get focused on putting violent offenders like me behind bars. Keep up the good work!”

So if someone gave you the stink eye, don’t just take it. Call your local DA and get a criminal investigation started!

Glacier Global Brown Out. "Why is it so dark?"

You might work for this guy if ...

You’d be the richest person in America if you had a dollar for every fantasy you’ve had that involved slapping your boss so hard he flew out of his chair.

You watch everything your boss does so you can do the exact opposite.

There is one or more websites, blogs or cottage industries based primarily on the asinine things your boss has said or done.

Employee turnover at your workplace is high, like 100%. People would rather make minimum wage dressed like sandwiches/crustacean/the statue of liberty and dance in the street in front of the local sandwich/seafood/tax preparation shop –- in Arizona, in July -– than work for your boss.

Co-workers pack up their desk and leave abruptly for good with no advance notice.

Your boss either lies or is confused about the truth. For example, first he said your position was open because company is expanding. Later you learn you’re replacing someone who left. He waffles on employee turnover rates, the length of time the average employee stays with the company, and something as simple as office hours.

Your boss starts a sentence with “Family is important, but…”

Your boss asks disguised illegal questions.

Your job was open for a long time, or been filled and emptied in a short period of time.

Your boss is a little man in more ways than one.

Your boss is rude.

Your boss is frequently late.

Your boss is unprepared.

Your boss is incompetent.

Yaniv Blumenfeld is Shithead of the Year!

Yaniv Blumenfeld is Shithead of the Year!

Disgraced real estate investor Yaniv Blumenfeld

Disgraced real estate investor Yaniv Blumenfeld hiding from creditors in an area strip club.

WHITE PLAINS, NY — Troubled real estate firm Glacier Global Partners LLP, coming to grips with its impending doom, announced a new mission statement, “Forage by day. Hide at night.”

The new mission statement edged out popular runner up, “To the bitter end.”

The new mission statement should guide the actions of Glacier Global Partners, spell out its overall goal, provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making as the crippled investment firm enters its death spiral.

“The future is in our hands,” said disgraced Managing Director Yaniv Blumenfeld. “Only we can decide whether Glacier Global will crash and burn in a hideous public scandal or fade quietly into oblivion. Or maybe both.”

U.S. Generals Devise New War Plan: Yuck Faniv 'Em! Yaniv Blumenfeld, Glacier Global Partners LLP

Yuck Faaaanniiiiiiiiiiivvvvv!

Those Glacier Global assholes will just have to find another asshole managing director

How about simply, 'Fuck Yaniv'? Or even better, 'Yaniv Sucks!'?

$500,000 suck ass loan made by Yaniv Blumenfeld

Take a Haircut? 50 West Third Street, Mount Carmel, PA. Lehman Brothers' Yaniv Blumenfeld made a $500,000 loan on this property, which then sold for less than one-third that figure four years later.

To overvalue something is a form of lying. –Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658)

Ever wonder how somebody made all those bad loans that put Lehman Brothers in bankruptcy in 2008 and cratered the global financial system? Here’s your chance to see how a banker puts lipstick on a pig.

In 2004, Lehman Brothers commercial loan underwriter Yaniv Blumenfeld OKd a $500,000 loan secured by a 36 percent vacant office building at 50 West Third Street, Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania.

Mount Carmel, you ask? Why, it’s only 20 miles northwest of Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Got your bearings now?

If you live in Mount Carmel, you vacation in Scranton. And like it.

The location demographics sucked. The 2004 Census Bureau estimated population of Mount Carmel Borough was 6,050 persons, a 20 percent population decline since 1990.

The building sucked. The three-story frame structure totally had no elevator, a major flaw in a town where the only remaining residents are those too feeble to leave. There was visible mold and water damage, deteriorating floors and a sagging roof beam. Asbestos was suspected, but the recommended testing was never performed even though the appraised value was predicated on the building being asbestos-free.

Inevitably the loan went into default. Less than four years later, Gramercy Capital Corp. bought the same property for $150,000, as reported in its publicly filed Form 10-K. That’s only 27 percent of Yaniv Blumenfeld’s bloated $550,000 underwriting valuation!

How many mistakes can you find in Blumenfeld’s loan underwriting package? Download it and see. Check out the inflated appraisal and the shocking inspection photos.

Here are a few clues: Did it help that the loan was made to Glenn Blumenfeld at American Financial Realty Trust? Was the conflict-of-interest ever properly disclosed?

Can you spot the math errors in the appraisal? (Hint: page 9, but you’ll have to find the rest on your own!)

We shouldn’t be too surprised that Yaniv Blumenfeld thinks crummy properties in bad locations should be leveraged to the hilt. After, didn’t Lehman’s losers also try to tell us that people with no money and bad credit could buy houses?

What crap investments is Yaniv Blumenfeld putting other peoples’ money now? Would anyone like to buy a glacier? Or a fatwa-stigmatized condo? Yaniv Blumenfeld has one to sell you.

A real skanky piece of real estate, Yaniv!

Would you lease this vacant office space? Apparently no one else did either. Yaniv Blumenfeld signed off on the loan despite major property deficiencies. These photos are from a pre-closing inspection report which you can download and read.