Category: Community

This neighborhood smells like New Jersey since Yaniv got here!

Disgusted protesters want Yaniv Blumenfeld and skanky Five Franklin Place condo out of TriBeCa.

WHITE PLAINS, NY — A suspicious device attached to the neck of disgraced real estate investor and professional idiot Yaniv Blumenfeld for the past fifteen years was found to contain a non-explosive mixture of five sulfur-containing chemicals that smell like rotting food and carcasses, police said Thursday.

Blumenfeld said he was told to wear the device when he was full cavity-searched at an airport security checkpoint in Tel Aviv during an overseas trip fifteen years ago.

After reading how a ski-mask-clad man entered the suburban Sydney home of Madeleine Pulver on August 3rd and chained a bomb-like device to her neck, Blumenfeld asked police to examine his neck attachment. Officials managed to free Pulver unhurt after 10 hours. Local police referred Blumenfeld to the Bronx Zoo, who referred him to the Sanitation Department where Blumenfeld was able to get an appointment for the following week. Sewer workers removed the stencher with specialized tools normally reserved for Staten Island.

“With the benefit of hindsight, I now see that the whole thing might have been a practical joke,” Blumenfeld said after the device was finally removed.

Foul smelling chemicals spewed steadily from the device during the fifteen-year period Blumenfeld wore it around his neck, sewer investigators said. The noxious substances have been identified and are known to be used by the governments of Israel and the United States in law enforcement and the military as riot control and area denial weapons. Stink bomb weaponry has advantages over traditional riot control agents: unlike pepper spray and tear gas, stink bombs are believed not to be dangerous and are effective at low concentrations.

Blumenfeld’s ordeal isn’t over, however. Long-term exposure to the malodorous compounds mean it could be years before the active ingredients are flushed out of Blumenfeld’s system. In the meantime, Blumenfeld will continue to stink to high heaven.

Opponents of the Five Franklin Place condo project in TriBeCa say they want the foul-smelling Blumenfeld and his chicken-shit development project out of their neighborhood. “If we wanted to live in New Jersey, we’d move there,” one neighbor said, holding his nose.

On the bright side, the Yaniv Blumenfeld stench had the unanticipated effect of bringing hundreds of jobs to White Plains as tanneries and glue factories relocated to the neighborhood around Blumenfeld’s personal residence.

Yaniv Blumenfeld's Mugshot

Yaniv Blumenfeld's Mugshot

Vent your darkest emotions while engaging in financial flim-flamery, just like a real fourth-tier Wall Street banker!

The latest update makes Grand Theft Wall Street even more realistic.

In this update of Grand Theft Wall Street, you’ll engage in a single-player campaign to spread as much human misery and destroy as much value as possible, all while trying to shift the blame to the most unlikely scapegoats. In the series cheered (and criticized) for glorifying incompetent financial risk management, you’ll make horrendous blunders, lose massive sums of other peoples’ money, bitch slap your female interns, associate with other Wall Street lowlifes and do many, many other bad deeds. GTWS gives us characters with a level of superficiality so realistic, you’ll think you’re right on the trading floor of a Wall Street casino.

You play as Yaniv Blumenfeld, a mercurial, belligerent, stateless, undocumented Middle Eastern third-tier banker with a dark past. Socially and financially inept, you nevertheless recruit a team of unpaid interns who soon discover you may have fibbed a bit in your tales of success. You parlay your talents and a $1.0 million stake from demented elderly relatives into a $35 million pyramid of debt you’ve named Glacier Global Partners. Along the way you pick up some very bad habits and associates. The longer we stay with Yaniv, the more we see that there is a broken human being inside, one who would give anything to escape the person he once was.

Bugfixes in this update of the Grand Theft Wall Street action-adventure video game:

  • fixed an intermittent bug where a virtual subordinate did a good job but the Yaniv Blumenfeld character malfunctioned and failed to feel threatened and make it his mission to destroy the character, thereby undermining the game’s realism
  • fixed a bug which allowed disabling of the Yaniv character’s ‘narcissistic sociopath’ and ‘prima donna’ behaviors, resulting in unrealistic gameplay scenarios
  • fixed a bug where the Yaniv character tipped generously at a strip club
  • fixed a bug where the Yaniv character fucked up a financial projection spreadsheet causing a deal blew to up in his face (so far, so good; Where’s the bug?). BUT then not only did the Yaniv character intermittently fail to detonate a hissy fit, he failed to go into scapegoat mode (i.e., trying to blame a broker, colleague, subordinate or Hamas for his own blunder); shitstorm mode also failed to engage
  • fixed an intermittent bug where the blundering Yaniv character failed to enter ‘enhanced’ scapegoat mode (i.e., the Yaniv character spreading malicious false rumors about his intended scapegoats, sniping at the scapegoats in meetings, displaying the scapegoats’ severed heads on pikes, using their blood for his cave paintings, and leaving their bodies unburied to be devoured by dogs, etc. ‘Acts of God’ added to the list of targets the Yaniv character can blame for catastrophes resulting from his own negligence or stupidity.
  • fixed a graphic error which caused the stocky, diminutive Blumenfeld to appear taller than Joe Pesci and R2-D2
  • fixed an intermittent bug where the Yaniv character uncharacteristically put in a full day’s work while allowing a subordinate to leave early for a gynecological appointment
  • Yaniv Blumenfeld Partying

    Yaniv Blumenfeld partying in 'Grand Theft' style.

  • fixed a bug that generated a scenario in which the Yaniv character competently and courageously landed a stricken U.S. Airways jet airliner in the Hudson River and acted selflessly to save the lives of all the passengers (yeah, in what alternate universe?)
  • fixed an intermittent bug where a Glacier Global Partners LLP real estate deal inexplicably made economic sense, investors were pleased and nobody got ripped off
  • fixed a bug where the Yaniv character paid a sincere compliment to a female colleague instead of spreading vile rumors about her to his cronies
  • fixed a bug where a toady didn’t let the Yaniv character win at Halo during a Glacier Global partner meeting
  • fixed a bug where the Yaniv character went off his anti-psychotic medication and nothing unusual happened
  • fixed a bug where the Yaniv character started paying his bills in full on time for no particular reason
  • fixed an intermittent bug where the Yaniv character’s face failed to turn red and become grotesquely distorted during a clusterfuck sequence
  • fixed the bug where instead of pretending that you never told him important information that you for certain had told him and being angry at you, the Yaniv character pretends you told him good news that you never did and is pleased with you
  • fixed the bug where instead of it being all about the Yaniv character all the time, it was a little bit about someone or something else occasionally
  • fixed a bug in the graphic algorithm which, during brown-nosing mode, caused the Yaniv character’s head to appear less than fully embedded
  • corrected a bug in the rate of speed that disconsolate investors fall after leaping to their welcome deaths from the Playgirl Building. Corrected bounce height and trajectory of investors hitting the pavement and motor vehicles on Second Avenue. Corrected audio to replace fart sound with splat.
  • for added pomposity added reverb effect to “I have spoken!”, the phrase the Yaniv character tacks on the end of his every statement.
  • fixed a timing bug in which the Yaniv character would say, “Who did that?” before farting himself

18 Roland Drive, White Plains, New York, is up for sale now that the fire damage has been repaired.

18 Roland Drive, White Plains: Some house shoppers might be bothered by the traffic noise from the Hutch more than the cat pee odor

18 Roland Drive, White Plains: Some house shoppers might be bothered by
the traffic noise from the Hutch more than the cat pee odor

Nigerian-flagged SS Yaniv Blumenfeld wallows in Long Island Sound with a full cargo of Scheiße Buchstaben.

Nigerian-flagged SS Yaniv Blumenfeld wallows in Long Island Sound with a full cargo of Scheiße Buchstaben.

By Two-Gun Crowley

Special to helgabluth

WHITE PLAINS, NY – April 4, 2011 – Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) announced today that it rescued Wall Street drowning rat Kellogg Gaines from the sinking ship of White Plains, NY-based Glacier Global Partners, LLP. Once the soaking-wet Gaines dries out, he will be tasked with trying to get various financial institutions to invest in his specialty, bad loans, while hoping to hang on at JLL long enough until the stigma of Glacier Global Partners wears off. But given current financial markets, Gaines is unlikely to meet with success except with the most gullible lenders. “If he’s lucky, he might dump a few turds on New York Life,” according to an investigator in the New York attorney general’s office.

Gaines will bear essentially meaningless title of “Managing Director”, laboring on commission until the office market comes back, at which time JLL will either lease the space to a real tenant or give Gaines’ desk to someone else more productive, probably an office leasing broker. (Editor’s note: “Managing Director” is the new “Vice President”.)

The Good Years: Gaines Closes $12 Million CMBS Loan

The Good Years: Gaines Closes $12 Million CMBS Loan

“We had a desk to fill and we filled it. Attracting a survivor like Kelly, who has 20 years of turd mining experience with 15 of those in the muddy trenches of third- and fourth-tier Wall Street firms and first-tier bucket shops is proof that we are committed to staying in business for at least another year,” said Jay Koster. “With all that experience, it’s hard to believe the guy’s never served any time.”

Tom Fish added, “Kelly is notorious among CMBS (Scheiße Buchstaben) special servicers,” who honored him with the punny moniker ‘Large Loss’ Gaines. “He’s left a Shermanesque trail in throughout every major market in the United States. He’ll definitely synergize backward overflow for our clients.” For his part, ‘Large Loss’ Gaines loves the nickname and trades on it. “They’re calling me Large!”

Depending on who wants to know, Gaines claims two decades of diversified real estate ‘experience’ obtained by officing in roughly the same building where about $8 billion of commercial real estate ‘loans’ were being “worked on by someone”. Whatever Gaines’ actual role, it is unlikely he was a ‘major mover’ in bringing about the nation’s most recent financial meltdown as he claims.

Glacier Global Brown Out. "Why is it so dark?"

Glacier Global Brown Out. "Why is it so dark?"

A well-placed source acknowledged that Gaines’ abandoned role as a Partner of Glacier Global Partners, LLC, was basically a fake position intended to fill a gap on his resume during the financial depression until a real job appeared. Gaines realized it was time to move on—to anywhere else, really—once the malignant Glacier Global started to look like a liability. At least that’s the story that minimizes his potential culpability. Previously he also showed up for work at several other discredited financial firms where he was responsible (but not to blame) for suborning their credit and compliance departments and ginning up the cosmetic underwriting paperwork necessary to stick unsophisticated, vulnerable institutional CMBS bond buyers with low-quality loans secured by the nation’s least-desirable real estate. Or, in Wall Street jargon, “originating commercial real estate loans for securitization, flatulization, syndication and on-book executions.”

Yaniv Blumenfeld

Yaniv Blumenfeld

Notwithstanding the the loss of his partner-level ColecoVision gaming privileges at Glacier Global, Gaines allowed that his new office space at JLL was “way better” than the cubbyhole he occupied in the sooty White Plains home basement belonging to Yaniv Blumenfeld, Glacier Global’s head turd miner. “There’s also a lot less screaming going on in the background” at JLL, Gaines said.